What You Need To Know

We want to challenge all the members of the Piano Marvel Family to keep a 30-day Streak! Everyone will start with a clean slate for this challenge, meaning only your streak between March 1 – April 1, 2021 will count. We are giving away some great prizes, so you definitely want to join in the fun! Everyone who gets a 30-day streak will be in the running to win prizes. We will draw names randomly to determine the winners.


The Grand Prize will be an Annual Piano Marvel Account and a Streak Challenge t-shirt. We will also be giving out 5 other Streak Challenge t-shirts!

Why A Streak Challenge?

Get ready to play your heart out and improve your piano playing abilities as you practice consistently over the month of March. We think you’ll be inspired to keep going with your streak! All you have to do to join the challenge is start practicing every day on your own Piano Marvel account. If you are new to Piano Marvel, you can create a free account to get started at https://pianomarvel.com.

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